Tribute and Memorial Gifts

Remembering legacies, celebrating lives.

“Some have already left their legacy, other legacies have just begun.”  Highland Christian School is the product and outworking of a faithful Christian community.   

A community  who professes faith in Jesus Christ, confidence in the sovereignty of God, and excellence in service to God and others.   A community that is, in so many ways…family.  These beloved friends and family members have been honored through a tribute gift to the HCS Foundation.  We celebrate these lives well-lived and the gift of the lasting legacy they leave in our hearts. Praise be to God!

Gifts in Honor

Mr. & Mrs. Wes F. Feikema

Site Services - 40 Years!
Mr. Randy DeVries


Mr. Gogs Zandstra
“89th Birthday”

Mr. Brian Boomsma
2022 Inductee
NWI Business & Industry Hall of Fame


Mr. & Mrs. Harold Zeilinga

Mrs. Coralee VanAmstel

In Loving Memory